Category: CS@Worcester

  • Sprint-3 Retrospective Blog Post

    Tasks/Issues that I worked on in Sprint-3: 1. Cleanup and Enhancement (Reporting Backend) ( Assigned alongside Isaac, Victor, and Andi, I undertook the task of consolidating enhancements made to the reporting backend during earlier sprints. My role involved conducting a thorough review to ensure clarity and accessibility for future developers. While I completed the task…

  • The Strength in In-Depth Exploration

    Pattern Summary: The “Dig Deeper” pattern from “Apprenticeship Patterns” advises aspiring software craftsmen to explore their craft beyond surface-level understanding. It emphasizes the importance of curiosity, continuous learning, and seeking deeper insights into software development concepts, tools, and techniques. Reaction to the Pattern: Upon reading about the “Dig Deeper” pattern, I was immediately struck by…

  • Recording the Journey

    Pattern Summary:“Record What You Learn” from the book “Apprenticeship Patterns” emphasizes the importance of documenting and organizing your learning experiences as a software craftsman. It encourages apprentices to maintain a journal or log of their progress, insights, challenges, and solutions throughout their journey of learning and mastering software development. Reaction to the Pattern:This pattern resonated…

  • Sprint-2 Retrospective Blog – Team OL-2

    As we conclude Sprint-2 and gather for our retrospective meeting, it’s crucial to delve into what went well and identify areas where we can enhance our performance moving forward. Here’s a detailed reflection on our observations and insights: Reflection on what worked well: During Sprint-2, our team made notable progress in several areas compared to…

  • The Power of Consistent Practice

    Summary In the world of software development, the mantra of “Practice, Practice, Practice” resonates deeply with aspiring craftsmen. This pattern from the book Apprenticeship Patterns by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye emphasizes the critical role of deliberate practice in mastering any skill, especially in the realm of programming. My Reaction The essence of this pattern…

  • Being the Least Skilled: Good or Bad?

    The “Be the Worst” pattern advises individuals to seek out environments where they are not the most skilled or knowledgeable. Instead of always aiming to be the best, this pattern encourages embracing discomfort and challenges that come with being the least skilled person in the room. By immersing oneself in such environments, individuals can experience…

  • Craft Over Art: A Journey of Mastery

    Summary of Craft Over Art: The “Craft over Art” pattern delves into the distinction between craftsmanship and artistic expression within the realm of software development. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing craftsmanship, which entails mastering the fundamental skills and techniques required to create high-quality software, over the pursuit of artistic flair. My reaction: Upon encountering…

  • Sprint #1 Retrospective Blog

    Upon completing our first sprint and gathering for our retrospective meeting, it’s essential to reflect on what went well and identify areas where we can improve moving forward. Here’s a breakdown of our observations: Reflection on what worked well: Reflection on what didn’t work well: What changes could be made to improve as a team:…

  • Expose Your Ignorance – Embracing Vulnerability in Learning

    So, before we dive into this week’s pattern, I realized I forgot to mention something in my last blog post. I previously wrote about “Confront Your Ignorance” but totally forgot to touch upon its counterpart, “Expose Your Ignorance.” Summary of Expose Your Ignorance: “Expose Your Ignorance” is all about embracing vulnerability and being open about…

  • Concrete Skills – Building a Solid Foundation

    Summary of Concrete Skills: In the world of software development, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest technologies and trends. However, the Concrete Skills pattern reminds us of the importance of building a solid foundation of fundamental skills. Key points of the pattern include: My Reaction: The Concrete Skills pattern really struck a…

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