Category: CS@Worcester

  • Confronting Ignorance: A Path to Growth in Software Craftsmanship

    “Confront Your Ignorance” urges us to face our lack of knowledge head-on. Instead of shying away from what we don’t know, this pattern encourages us to acknowledge our ignorance and embrace it as a stepping stone to growth. Key points of the pattern include: My Reaction: “Confront Your Ignorance” resonated deeply with me, especially as…

  • The White Belt – Ignorance and the Journey of Learning

    In a nutshell, “The White Belt” encourages us to embrace our ignorance and adopt a beginner’s mindset. It’s like entering a martial arts dojo for the first time – a white belt symbolizes a blank canvas, ready to absorb the knowledge and skills the journey offers. Summary of The White Belt: My Reaction: What struck…

  • Software Craftsmanship Odyssey: A Dive into “Apprenticeship Patterns”

    Today, let’s chat about a riveting adventure I recently embarked on within the pages of “Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman” by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, Chapter 1 sets the stage for a profound exploration into the world of software craftsmanship. The chapter introduces the concept of being a Software Craftsman and…

  • A Deeper Dive into LibreFoodPantry’s Code of Conduct

    In my exploration of LibreFoodPantry’s main page and Thea’s Pantry, I found myself captivated by the community’s commitment to fostering a positive environment, as reflected in their Code of Conduct. LibreFoodPantry’s Code of Conduct: A Commitment to Inclusivity One aspect that particularly caught my attention was LibreFoodPantry’s inclusive pledge. This commitment ensures that participation in…

  • Embarking on the Final Chapter

    Greetings, fellow enthusiasts of code and programming! I’m Hieu Tran, a senior majoring in computer science, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to my latest blogging adventure. As I step into the realm of CS-448 Software Development Capstone, I can’t help but feel a blend of excitement and anticipation. This blog marks a significant milestone…

  • Mastering Simplicity: The Essence of YAGNI in Software Development (Longer Version)

    In the dynamic realm of software development, a beacon of practical wisdom guides developers through the maze of endless possibilities: YAGNI, an acronym for “You Ain’t Gonna Need It.” This principle advocates a minimalist approach, urging developers to focus on the essential and resist the allure of unnecessary features that might never see the light…

  • Decoding Software Development Anti-Patterns

    As a student navigating the intricate world of software development, stumbling upon Andreas Schöngruber’s insightful article on anti-patterns was like discovering a treasure map through the labyrinth of coding pitfalls. Titled “What Is an Anti-pattern?”, the article serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding, identifying, and avoiding anti-patterns in the software development lifecycle.Schöngruber’s article begins…

  • Navigating Code with the Principle of Least Knowledge

    I recently delved into the fascinating world of software design principles. Among these, the Principle of Least Knowledge, also known as the Law of Demeter, caught my attention and proved to be a valuable guide in crafting efficient and maintainable code. In this blog post, I’ll share my insights into this principle, drawing from various…

  • Embracing the Future of Coding with Gitpod

    In the ever-evolving landscape of programming, developers often find themselves grappling with unforeseen challenges. Recently, I encountered one such obstacle during my computer science class, which eventually led me to explore a game-changing solution – Gitpod. This is the story of how Gitpod came to my rescue when Docker, a crucial part of an in-class…

  • Navigating Software Pitfalls: Understanding Anti-Patterns

    In the intricate world of software development, as developers strive to create elegant and efficient solutions, they encounter not only best practices but also pitfalls to avoid. These pitfalls, often referred to as anti-patterns, are common design and coding practices that may initially seem like solutions but ultimately lead to more problems than they solve.…

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